Welcome to Jacqueline Knox Pilates

As a physiotherapist I have set up Jacqueline Knox Pilates in order to teach pilates gently and slowly and using my knowledge to teach you how to develop an efficient daily self practice, one that you can do at home. Pilates targets the deeper muscles of the body and therefore the emphasis is on working inside out, focusing on things like your breathing, alignment and inner strength. Pilates movements can help certain conditions such as back and neck pain, joint pain and stiffness but should not be used as a ‘treatment’ per se but alongside advice from your healthcare professional. Having said that, I have always used pilates exercises as part of my treatments over the years, having been initially introduced to pilates by my physiotherapist in Australia back in 1993…. Jacquelineknoxpilates focuses on mindful movement matters ®

Pilates on-demand

All my weekly pilates classes are recorded and uploaded onto the website. You will then be able to access and view the class. You are then able to do the class at a time convenient to you. 

I came to see Jacqueline in preparation for running the London Marathon. Using the pilates method we worked on background strength, co-ordination and balance. I now use pilates exercises in the gym as a foundation for my strength & conditioning that I need to do as part of my running training.


I came to see Jacqueline with back pain and generally feeling sorry for myself struggling with menopausal symptoms. She taught me some gentle pilates exercises for my pelvic floor and core which alleviated my back pain. Using the pilates method we worked on my posture, inner strength and breathing. I now have less anxiety through the breathwork and my body is much stronger. I can now walk for miles which has helped with my menopausal symptoms. I feel a new woman thanks to pilates…


I came to see Jacqueline struggling with neck pain whilst swimming. She taught me some pilates exercises for my core and shoulder blade and using the pilates method worked on my swimming technique. I can now swim with no pain and my swimming is faster.


I came to see Jacqueline in preparation for running the London Marathon. Using the pilates method we worked on background strength, co-ordination and balance. I now use pilates exercises in the gym as a foundation for my strength & conditioning that I need to do as part of my running training.


I came to see Jacqueline post mastectomy and a course of chemotherapy. We used the pilates exercises to mobilise my tight shoulder and stiff spine. Gradually I got stronger and my energy levels increased. I now do the exercises that Jacqueline taught me at home as part of my daily routine in my recovery from cancer.


I am riddled with arthritis! . I came to see Jacqueline to see if she could get me going again…Through the pilates method we worked on specific exercises that targeted both strength and mobility. I now have less joint pain and can get up from a chair with no help and walk up stairs. Its part of my daily routine now .


Notes from Jacqueline

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About Jacqueline

Jacqueline is an esteemed physiotherapist and pilates teacher. She began studying pilates in 1999 with body control pilates in London.